Global Climate Strike

Dear valued customers, members and colleagues,
The Solutions Factory, Venue Management Systems, IT support at CPU Group Ltd and Carmarthenshire Energy are joining the Global Climate Strike on Friday 20th September.
We appreciate this may cause disruption to yourselves, so this is not a decision we have taken lightly. The Climate Emergency is the single biggest issue facing our civilisation and we need to do our bit to help.
All hosted services will be running as normal, but our support phone lines and emails will not be answered. If there is a genuine emergency then of course we will help. But we hope that perhaps you also will be joining the Climate Strike so may not need our assistance.
Our small group of organisations is already helping to reduce the Climate Emergency:

  1. 200kW solar panels installed, generating enough renewable energy for 60 households.

  2. Full battery backup at our offices, enabling us to host our services in Wales 100% using our own renewably generated energy.

  3. Solar thermal heating with inter-seasonal heat storage at our offices.

  4. 500kW community owned wind turbine generating enough renewable energy for 500 households.

  5. Work is well underway on our new offices and workshop at a historic watermill, with the aim of generating hydro electric power and developing and marketing hydro electric barrels so that more hydro power can be utilised with no impact on river ecology.

  6. 100,000 miles driven in electric cars, charged by our own renewable energy, saving 15,000 litres of diesel.

  7. Developing a national car charging network over Wales which is currently woefully provided for.

  8. Developing Energy Local schemes to allow communities to share locally generated renewable energy and save money on electricity bills helping reduce fuel poverty.

  9. Working with community groups and government at all levels to promote the generation and use of more renewable energy.

But there is more we need to do. Government is paying lip service to the emergency, while paralysed by believing it will take trillions to solve to problem. But there is a really simple way our local county councils can take action, and set a model for national and global governments to solve the emergency:
We are working with Carmarthenshire County Council on this, to help set an example, and perhaps you can work with your own County Councils or help reduce the Climate Emergency in your own way. The Global Climate Strike action will reinforce the vital need to take imminent action.

Greg Parker